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Interview with YouTuber: TheHiveLeader

MMO or Massively Multiplayer Online is a game genre loved by millions of fans as it provides an opportunity to cooperate with peer-gamers and interact with people from all over the world. Most-known games of the genre include such titles as World of Warcraft, Destiny, World of Tanks and many others. With numerous title releases, e-sport tournaments and events, MMO games attract immense attention of their highly engaged community.

Cloutboost talked to YouTube gaming influencer TheHiveLeader who creates videos focused on MMO games. Get a behind the scenes look at gaming content creation in our interview.


Cloutboost: Please tell us about yourself and your channel. When and why did you start making YouTube videos?

TheHiveLeader: I began making videos back in October of 2012. I’m coming up on my 7 year anniversary. I started making videos because I had seen other YouTube channels (PeanutButterGamer, JonTron) making video game comedy, yet they weren’t covering the games I played. I wanted SOMEONE to cover MMOs and other multiplayer games. I couldn’t find anyone who did that, so I decided to do it myself.

Cloutboost: Your videos are remarkable for elaborate storylines and footage. How long does it take you to create one video?

TheHiveLeader: I put quite a bit of time into producing videos. All of them are highly scripted and edited. I don’t tend to do live types of content (Let’s Plays / Streams) because I simply don’t enjoy them. My enjoyment comes from seeing all my hard work come together into a finished product and pushing myself to make each video better than the one before it. That’s hard to do in a live format.

The process is simple, though somewhat lengthy. I begin by playing a game and recording footage using Bandicam. I’ll then watch that footage to come up with a script for my video. From there I’ll take that script into my vocal booth and record the vocals via a program called Reaper. I take the footage and the vocals and edit them all together in MAGIX Vegas. An odd choice for video editing, but I find it meets my needs better than others I’ve tried.

Cloutboost: How did you master video production: did you obtain specific education or did you master it on your own?

TheHiveLeader: This was done on my own. I’ve been recording and editing audio since 2004 and video since 2006 in some way shape or form. Translating what I learned back then into TheHiveLeader was nice and easy, though you learn tricks as time goes.

Cloutboost: How do you keep coming up with new ideas for videos?

TheHiveLeader: A lot of my humor is simply observational. I look at my game footage, which is just full of moments and situations that I try to make humorous.

Cloutboost: If someone wanted to start watching your channel, is there a favorite video you’d recommend?

TheHiveLeader: There are typically two videos people find me through: “What if DOOMGUY Talked?” and “TheHiveLeader’s Guide to Healing”. These are two of my highest viewed videos, and both provide a good insight into who I am and what I do. That said, I’d like to add in my videos on the MMO “Ever Jane” and the one on “Astellia”. Both I feel are some of my best work.

Cloutboost: What is your process of choosing and landing the “right” Brand Sponsorships for your channel?

TheHiveLeader: Once your channel hits a certain size, you’ll start getting a lot of sponsored offers. Choosing the right ones simply comes down to comfort. By taking a sponsorship, you’re essentially putting your name behind whatever game you’re talking about.

I view sponsorships as essentially the same thing as being hired to do a commercial on TV, except it’s even better because you don’t have to use standardized marketing speech. You’re simply showing off a product for what it is. Though the one rule I stick to is a sponsor can never control what I say or control what I put in my video. If the sponsor requires this kind of rights, then I do not accept the sponsorship.

I do also try to find games/products that would fit on my channel. Sometimes a video on a certain game simply wouldn’t work on my channel, and in those cases, I’m not afraid to say so.

Cloutboost: What was your favorite Brand Sponsorship so far and why?

TheHiveLeader: My favorites so far have been my videos on Blade & Soul and my video on Mutant Year Zero. These two were just a pleasure to work on as the contacts I had with the PR companies in charge were quick to respond to any requests or questions I had. They worked with me and thus made the creation of these videos much easier.

Cloutboost: Have you worked with non-gaming brands? Do you see any natural way to promote them on your channel?

TheHiveLeader: I have had talks with non-gaming brands about potential sponsorships, however, I have yet to find one that I feel matches my channel.

Cloutboost: Are there any particular brands you would be interested to promote on your channel?

TheHiveLeader: I am a huge fan of several hardware companies in the PC and audio fields that I would love to team up with. Also, products that I use often, such as Audible. I haven’t looked too much into their sponsorship opportunities.

Cloutboost: What’s your advice to brands looking to build a campaign or partner with YouTubers like yourself?

TheHiveLeader: Keep in mind that the majority of YouTubers do not make videos as a full-time job. Even with 75,000 subscribers, I am nowhere near doing this full time. Most of us do this in our free time, so giving quick and speedy responses to any requests or questions we have is important, especially when working on a tight timeframe.

Giving quick and speedy responses to any requests or questions we have is important, especially when working on a tight timeframe.

Cloutboost: Who are your favorite Streamers or gaming YouTubers?

TheHiveLeader: I have always been a large fan of PeanutButterGamer, who inspired me to start my channel. I have also come to love several others, such as Alex Meyers, Game Theory, CaptainDisillusion, Outside Xtra, and of course all of my colleagues who are often lumped into a group with me… LazyPeon, Cryy, Fevir, MMOByte, and so many others.

Cloutboost: What plans do you have for your channel’s future development?

TheHiveLeader: I will continue to do what I’ve always done while also trying out different types of content here and there. In 2018, I introduced the series “What if __ Talked?” which quickly became my most-watched series of videos. I have recently introduced “The Story RETOLD” where I recap a video game’s story but in my own humorous way.

While I plan to continue doing “first impression/review” type videos (I’ve never considered myself a reviewer and am not sure I’ve ever put out what I’d consider a “review”), they’re not all I want to be. My channel has always been about entertaining my audience first, and anything else I may happen to do (providing insight or information) comes second.

Cloutboost: What advice would you give to somebody wanting to start their own channel?

TheHiveLeader: Don’t just attempt to follow trends. Do what makes you happy. Put out videos that YOU would want to watch. Go back and watch your videos often. Try to improve on that. Odds are if YOU want to watch and make you want to watch more, then others will as well.

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